8 REASONS You Should Drink GREEN TEA.

Did you know green tea can be consumed as a post workout drink, and to increase calorie burn if you drink it while exercising? The awareness to the benefits of antioxidants is growing. Doctors, dieticians, naturopaths and others in the health care profession are continuing to research the benefits of antioxidants, thought to fight theContinue reading “8 REASONS You Should Drink GREEN TEA.”

Green Tea – Purifying the Body

The awareness to the benefits of antioxidants is growing. Doctors, dieticians, naturopaths and others in the health care profession are continuing to research the benefits of antioxidants, thought to fight the free radicals that ravage our bodies. There is a drink out there that is thought to do this and much more, the humble greenContinue reading “Green Tea – Purifying the Body”